篇名:"That I May Be His Own": The Anthropology of Luther's Explanation of the Creed
作者:Robert Kolb
出處:Concordia Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, 1995:28-41
3.「藉著祂的創造,這位創造主已經保證我是屬於祂,而祂也屬於我」(By virture of His creation this Creator has pledged that I am His, and He is mine.)(p.31)
5. 上帝從無造有(creatio ex nihilo),不僅指出我們的身份並非來自我們自身,而是出於上帝的賜予,同時也賦予我們回應上帝賜予的責任:「我們有責任感謝、頌揚、事奉、順從祂。」而感謝、頌揚、事奉和順從不僅是應當履行的責任,而就是我們的本質。(p.34)
6.「我們的身份乃是反映於我們轉向祂,如同親愛的孩童轉向他們所愛的父親一般:藉著感恩、愛與渴望,也藉著預備完成祂每一項期待,因為喜悅這一 切。」(Our identity is reflected in our turning to Him as beloved children turn to the Father they love: with gratitude, with love and longing, with a readiness to carry out His every wish, for the joy of it.)(p.34)
10.上帝乃是藉由復活與永生,來完成我們如同祂聖潔兒女的新身份。(p.40)11. 「問答藉著區分出為上帝所賜之我們人性的中心,來協助回答身份的問題,從日常生活的進行,並在上帝為我們生活所設計之結構之中。整個小問答的使用,從信經 的人論(正如其集中於信經首段和在信經中)移動至信經中,關於我們身份的禮物,以及主禱文中我們歸向天父的賞賜。而聖禮則是再度確認身份乃是上帝所賜予 的。關於個人與家庭禱詞的教導,以及信徒職責錄,則是提供如何持續在地上的日常生活中落實我們身為上帝兒女身份的資訊,直到主完成我們新身份的禮物,並將 我們帶入與祂直接面對面之時。」(The catechism helps answer questions of identity by distinguishing the heart of our personhood, given by God, from the performance of daily life, within the structures God has designed for our performance. The use of the entire Small Catechism can flow from the anthropology of the Creed, as it focuses on performance gone bad in the first chief part, on the gift of our identity in the Creed, on the gift of conversing with our heavenly Father in the Lord's Prayer. The Sacraments reaffirm God's bestowal of identity. The instructions for personal and family prayer, as well as the Table of Responsibilities, provide information on how to flesh out our identity as children of God in daily life, the life which continues on this earth until the Lord completes the gift of our new identity and take us directly into His presence.)(p.40)